Historicamente, PESCADAS existe desde el a..o 1999, cuando se fusionaron los restos de The Rippers y Filomenas. A lo largo de sus 7 a..s de vida, PESCADAS se ha asentado como banda de culto entre los amantes de la musica garage, progresiva, psicodelica y sinfonica. Ha compartido escenario con bandas locales como Los Alamos, The Tandooris, Los Peyotes, Zorros Petardos Salvajes, She Devils, The Tormentos, y bandas visitantes como The Monsters (Suiza) y Supersónicos (Uruguay), entre otras. Musicalmente, PESCADAS oscila entre el rock progresivo-psicodelico californiano de la segunda mitad de los a..os 60, el rock sinfonico ingles de la bisagra entre las decadas del ˜60 y "70 y el sonido descarnado del garage pre-punk. Visualmente, el show PESCADAS ofrece estimulos psico-retro desde la escenografia y el vestuario, sumado a proyecciones de diapositivas y videos y la participacion de bailarines y performers en vivo en algunos temas. PESCADAS was formed in 1999, at the precise historical moment of the fusion of the remaing members of The Rippers and Filomenas. Because the grouping takes a retired life of the city, they have not offered concerts with a uniform frequency. Nevertheless, throughout its 7 years of life, PESCADAS have been based as cult band among the lovers of garage, alternative, progressive, psychodelic and symphonic rock. They have shared scene with local bands like Los Alamos, The Tandooris, Los Peyotes, Zorros Petardos Salvajes, She Devils, The Torments, and visitor bands like The Monsters (Swiss) and Supersonic (Uruguay), among others. The musical aspect of Pescadas oscillates between the Californian progressive-psychodelic rock of second half of years 60, the English symphonic rock of the hinge between the decades of ..60 and ' 70, the so-called called “R.I.O” current (Rock In Opposition) of Baltimore, and the emaciated sound of the pre-punk garage. Visually, the show of PESCADAS profusely offers a love-in/acid-test of retro-psychodelic stimuli from the stage scene and clothes, added to projections and the participation of the dancer Alejandra Villalonga and the singer-performer Federico Nicolas Campos.